Everbility in Action
I am struggling to make my prompts and templates work...
Below are a number of scenarios to help you problem-solve how to get the most out of your prompting, creating templates, and using Everbility effectively.
I have no idea how to create prompts in my template
Solution: Think of Everbility as your AI assistant—how would you ask it to write what you need?
Example Prompts:
- Summarise this session note in a concise, professional tone.
- Rewrite this report in simple language for a parent to understand.
- Generate a progress update based on the goals outlined in this text.
- Describe the client's background information (include diagnosis, medical history, developmental history and current living arrangements).
- Describe the results of the cognitive assessment and include an interpretation of the scores, linking this to the client's functional performance.
If you would like a paragraph to be written in a specific format, you can ask Everbility to write it in that format.
Here are some examples:
- Describe the reason for report, using this structure: (Client) is a x-year-old boy/girl with (state diagnosis/diagnoses). (Client) was referred by (state name of referrer) for (reason for referral). (Client) was seen by (name of therapist) on (date/ time/ location). This report was developed to (state reason for report).
- Write a letter to a doctor, using this structure: Dear (Doctor's Name), I am writing to inform you that (Client) has been admitted to (state name of hospital) for (state reason for admission). (Client) is currently (state condition) and requires (state treatment). Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to assist (Client) during their stay.
- Adapt this for the client's results: The (insert assessment) was administered to (Client) on (date of assessment). The results of the assessment are as follows: (insert results). The interpretation of the results is as follows: (insert interpretation).
I’m getting stuck on how to make my templates
Solution: If you're stuck, try converting your previous reports into Everbility prompts using AI on Everbility.
Follow these instructions:
Click on Templates
on the left side menu and then click Add New Template
and then Start from scratch

Copy and paste content you've already written into Everbility.

Title your document.

You can then begin to build out your template. You can start by adding client merge tags. Click on +
and add tag
followed by the merge tag.

You can choose to fill in the client details using client merge tags and instructions or in tables. Remember, to add a table, click on +
and add table
followed by the number of rows and columns you would like. For copied and pasted reports that already include tables, these will be copied across to your template.
Are your merge tags not working for dates? Click here to see how best to use merge tags.
Here are two examples of how your client's information can be presented:

You can then change heading sizes by highlighting the heading, clicking on the heading button and selected your preferred heading size.

Everbility allows you to use AI to help with creating your prompts. Simply highlight the section you want to turn into an instruction/prompt and click on the robot icon (🤖). This will generate three potential prompt options. Choose the one that best fits your needs or tweak it for clarity.
Everbility is repeating information in my note and making it excessively long
Solution: For shorter, more concise notes, include all your instructions in a single prompt.
For example, if you’re creating a clinical note but find that Everbility repeats information when using multiple instructions for different sections, try consolidating your instructions into one clear prompt.
Tip: Use shift + enter or shift + return to extend your prompt over multiple lines.

Everbility is adding ** to my headings/text, but I just want bold text
Solution: Everbility uses a formatting system called Markdown to bold text when exporting documents as PDFs or DOCX files.
If you prefer plain text (for example, when copying into a practice management system), include "Do not use Markdown" in your instruction to prevent Everbility from applying this formatting.
Click here to see other markdown text that Everbility uses.
When I create a prompt with dot points, it won't let me highlight them as instructions
Solution: Use a hyphen - for bullet points and press Shift + Enter after each point.
Everbility uses Markdown formatting, which helps with better compatibility with Word and other systems. However, when you press Enter after each bullet point or when you copy and past bullet points into Everbility, Everbility assumes you're starting a new section, cutting off your instruction.

To ensure all bullet points stay within the same prompt, use shift + enter or shift + return after each point.

The client merge tags don’t work for dates and Everbility is getting confused
Solution: Reframe how we use client merge tags and use marked instructions for dates.
Client merge tags pull concrete, unchanging information about a client into your report.
Helpful client merge tags (information that doesn’t change):*
- Name
- Date of birth
- NDIS number
- Address
- Parent/Caregiver A
- Parent/Caregiver B
- School (only if it doesn’t change frequently)
Unhelpful merge tag examples (information that changes over time):
- Age
- Date of assessment
- Date of report
- Year level
- NDIS plan dates
For information that changes over time, use instructions instead.
Here in an example:

My merge tags won’t work when they are in my tables
Solution: Tables will automatically fill in the information without the need for merge tags. To make a table AI-powered, mark the table as an instruction instead.
Instead of:

Consider this:

Do I need to make templates to use Everbility for my reports?
Solution: You can also use Assistant to write parts of your reports and other documents.
Templates are AI-powered documents that can be used again and again once they have been set up. Templates can be very useful if you require to repeat particular types of documents in your role. However, you can also use Everbility to write your reports without using templates by using the Assistant tool.
Follow these instructions:
If you have not used Assistant before, take a look at this page first: Using Assistant
Select the client you wish to write a document/ part of your report for. If you prefer to create a general document, you can select 'uncategorised'.

Select the notes you would like Assistant to read while it answers your questions/ generates your request.

Make your request in assistant by adding your prompt in the text below and click enter

You can make follow up requests to refine the information generated by making additional instructions.

Here are some examples of documents written using Assistant:

Please Note: If Everbility does not have the information in the client's note, it will state the detail in brackets. You can choose whether to add the information first and regenerate this request or manually add this information in.

Once you have finished writing your document, you can:
- download it as a DOCX file
- copy and paste it into your practice management system

Feeling stuck? Book a demo here