Everbility in Action

I see a lot of residents at a residential aged care facility. How should I organise my notes on Everbility?

How to organise your notes on Everbility for a Residential Aged Care Facility or Community Facility

Add the Facility as a Client

In Everbility, clients can be individuals or organisations you work with, such as residential aged care or community facilities.

If you work for a facility, such as a residential aged care facility or a community centre, you can add each facility as a client in Everbility.

adding a residential facility as a client

Add Separate Notes for Each Resident/Client

Under each facility client, you can add separate notes for each resident or client in the facility. These notes will contain specific information about each individual.

aged care client notes

Generate Documents for a Resident/Client

When you need to generate a document for a resident or client, go to Writer and:

  • Select the facility as the client.
  • Choose the template you want to use for the document (e.g., care plans, progress reports, assessments).
  • Select the note for the resident/client that contains all the relevant information.
  • Click on the Generate button (click the star icon and select Generate document).
aged care ot report using one note

Managing Multiple Notes for a Resident/Client

If you have multiple notes for a particular resident or client (e.g., different assessments, care updates, or health reviews), ensure each note includes the resident’s/client’s name.

In Writer, you can filter your notes by typing in the resident’s/client’s name.

Select the tick boxes next to the notes you wish to include in the document.

aged care ot report

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"I am struggling to make my prompts and templates work"