Everbility in Action

I would like to organise my client notes by Date Created or Date Modified. How do I do this?

How to Sort Notes by Date Created or Date Modified on Everbility

Current Sorting Method

At this stage, your notes are automatically organised by Date Created (in 'Client Data'), with the oldest notes at the bottom and the newest notes at the top.

enter Client Data
List of notes

Sorting your notes by Date Created/ Date Modified

To easily identify the creation date of a note:

  • Open your note.
  • Edit the name of your note to include the date (This will autosave).

This ensures the date is visible in your list for easy reference.

add date to note title

In writer, this allows you to select your notes by date created/date modified.


Future Updates

Everbility is planning to introduce additional sorting options. If you would like to be updated when this occurs, please email support@everbility.com.

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