
Organisation Knowledge Base

Share important reference materials with your entire organisation.

What is the Organisation Knowledge Base?

The Organisation Knowledge Base allows you to share important resources with all members of your organisation. These resources can be referenced in documents by any team member using the @ symbol.

This feature is especially useful for:

  • Sharing clinical guidelines across your practice
  • Maintaining consistent reference materials
  • Ensuring all staff have access to the same resources
  • Building a central library of approved reference materials

Accessing the Organisation Knowledge Base

To access the Organisation Knowledge Base click on Knowledge Base under the Organisation section in the side menu.

Adding URLs (Admin Only)

Only organisation admins can add or delete items in the Organisation Knowledge Base.

If you're an organisation admin, you can add URLs to the shared Knowledge Base:

  1. Click the Add URL button
  2. Enter the URL you want to add
  3. Click Add to Knowledge Base
Adding URL to Organisation Knowledge Base

Managing Organisation Knowledge Base Items

Organisation admins can manage all shared resources:

Organisation Knowledge Base table

As an admin, you can:

  • Copy a URL by clicking the copy icon
  • Open a URL in a new tab using the external link icon
  • Refresh a URL's content with the refresh icon
  • Delete a URL using the trash icon

Using Organisation Knowledge Base in Documents

Any member of your organisation can reference items from both their personal Knowledge Base and the Organisation Knowledge Base when writing documents:

  1. Place your cursor where you want to insert the reference
  2. Type the @ symbol
  3. Select from the dropdown list that appears
  4. Convert to prompt and Everbility will use your instructions and the referenced web page to generate the answer.

Organisation Knowledge Base items appear alongside personal items in the dropdown menu, making them easily accessible to all team members.

Personal vs Organisation Knowledge Base

Everbility maintains two separate Knowledge Bases:

  • Personal Knowledge Base: Only visible to you
  • Organisation Knowledge Base: Visible to all organisation members

When using the @ symbol in the Writer, you'll see both your personal items and all organisation items in the dropdown menu.

If the same URL exists in both your personal and organisation Knowledge Base, only one entry will appear in the dropdown to avoid duplication.

Best Practices for Organisation Knowledge Base

For organisation admins:

  • Add only high-quality, reliable resources to the shared Knowledge Base
  • Remove outdated or unnecessary resources
  • Consider adding a standard set of references that align with your organisation's practices

Need help setting up your Organisation Knowledge Base? Book a demo here

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