Everbility in Action

I want to write a report but I don't have all of the client information yet. Can I start writing it and then come back to it?

Writing a Document Without Complete Client Information and Returning to Edit Generated Documents

In this tutorial, we are going to look at how to return back to add new information into a document you have already generated.

Creating the Report

Open Writer in Everbility.

writer in menu

Select your template and client.

write report

Click Generate Report

generate button

This creates a document that is saved under the client's file in Everbility (called 'Client Data').

If there are sections that have not been filled in when you clicked Generate Report because you don't have all of the client information yet, you will see a placeholder message (e.g., "There is not enough information" or something similar).

Whenever you make a change to the document, it will be saved automatically.

Returning to Edit Generated Documents

To access the report later:

Go to Client Data.

client data

Click Documents.

Locate the report in the list.

Click to Edit as needed.

edit document to regenerate

Adding the Missing Information on Everbility

There are multiple ways to add the missing information on Everbility. This requires adding a note. You can add a note in 'Client Data' or directly in 'Writer'.

Here is how you can add a note directly into Writer.

Begin typing in the 'Note' section of Writer. This will automatically save your note onto Everbility (as you can see in the sidemenu).

If you are wanting to upload a file or transcribe a voice note with the missing information, you can do so by clicking on the buttons on the top right of the 'Note' section.


Handling Missing Information

Once you gather the missing details, follow these steps:

Locate the relevant section in your document.

Make sure your new note(s) with the missing information are selected on the left sidemenu.

select missing information

When you previously clicked Generate, all of the prompts in the document were generated by Everbility. For the sections that include placeholder messages (e.g., "There is not enough information" or something similar), you can revert to the original prompt and generate a new version of the document.

To revert the prompt (go back), click the three dots on the right of the instruction.

three dots on prompt

Select Revert to Prompt.

revert prompt

Click Generate to update that section.

regenerate prompt

This will generate a new version of the document with the missing information that you have selected from your client's notes.

Exporting the Final Report

When your report is complete, you can export it:

Click the down arrow next to the document.

download document

Choose to download it as a DOCX or PDF file.

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"I think Everbility is making up information about my client. What do I do?"