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Product Updates: 01 March 2024

  • Name
    Mani Batra

So many things to share! So little time! Let's just get started!!

Organisation Templates πŸ“ƒ

We have introduced organisation templates!! You can now create templates that are specific to your organisation. This will allow you to make the templates once and share them with your entire team right from within Everbility! Instant efficiency gains and standardisation across your team. πŸ‘₯


Admins can create organisation templates, and organisation members can use and copy them.

If you work with a team, create an organisation and start inviting your team members today!

If you are currently using Everbility with your team and want to move to the new organisation system, reach out to us, and we will start setting that up for you!

Show sources for generations πŸ”

At Everbility, we are committed to building the most accurate AI in healthcare! We are taking a big step towards that by showing you the sources used to generate the content. You will see the client notes that Everbility referred to (when smart select is on) and what NDIS web pages it referred to (when using NDIS as the funding model). We have a lot more work planned to help you build more confidence in anything generated by Everbility (something more coming next week!!).


This feature is available anywhere you see Everbility-generated content. πŸ€–


New Client Data View πŸ—ƒοΈ


We have made the client data view a little nicer to look at and use. You now have separate tabs for client notes (session information, background information) and documents(generated using Everbility). Bye bye, scrolling forever ∞ πŸ‘‹

Improved knowledge base 🧠

We have done a big update to our knowledge base, adding the latest information from https://www.ndis.gov.au and https://ourguidelines.ndis.gov.au. You will see that any answers that Everbility provides will be more accurate and up-to-date.

Other Improvements πŸš€ πŸš€

  • We have redesigned the actions you can take in Assistant (Export, Find Research) to make them easier to access. πŸ”¬
  • We redesigned the action buttons in the writer to make them work on all screen sizes and just downright prettier. πŸ–ŒοΈ
  • The assistant is much more performant now. Fewer crashes!! ❀️‍
  • When creating a new note, you will not have to delete the placeholder text anymore. It will be automatically removed when you start typing.


  • The writer page will look a little cleaner. You will not see the disabled writer till you select a client and a template to write a report. 🧹
  • We have made a bunch of performance improvements to the dashboard page and the manage account page. 🏎️

Wow, that was a long list! Thanks for reading till the end! We are super proud of how fast our team ships new features! Read about all the new features we have released since we started Everbility (I will warn you that it's a long list!) here.

If you have tried Everbility previously and want to give it another go. Let us know, and we will set you up with a 7-day trial!